Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Helix the Bold!

Helix is not the first horse I have ever owned, but he is the first horse I have owned as an adult, and the first horse that Mom and Dad (thanks for the first three!) did not buy for me. As a result his purchase means that much more. One week later, I feel less like a new horse owner, and more like a new mother. I spend as much time at the barn as possible, obsessively cleaning his stall, playing with him out in the pasture, and spending lots of time grooming his scruffy, baby coat. Mom and Dad as well as Dave's mom are playing the role of the extremely supportive grand parents, asking for updates and pictures of the new baby.

While I quite enjoy babying Helix, it has also become quite clear that he requires a as much discipline, as the love and attention he demands. He is a bold little horse that fears very little, and he likes to remind me quite often that he sure deosn't fear me. Initially, when I began handling him, his attitude toward me was that of a step child telling their step parent "How dare you tell me what to do! You're not my mother!" The tactic I've adopted to handle his attitude is to be annoyingly persistent. Dave employed a similar tactic when initially trying to date me, and I figured it worked for him, so why not give it a try.

For example, the first time I attempted to brush his legs, he responded by kicking me in the back of the hand. After giving him a little tap on the bottom to let him know that kicking was not ok, I placed my hand on the top of his leg and left it there while he fidgeted and gave me irritated looks. The second he stopped fidgeting, I removed my hand and patted him on the neck. After about 20 minutes of placing my hands all over his legs and patting him when he was calm, he became accepting of my touch and relaxed.

Hopefully, over time Helix will get to the point where he doesn't constantly question authority, but until then it's going to take some tough love, and a lot of patience.

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