Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Predicting the height of a young horse

Recently, I've been obsessing over the height of my little horse and how tall he will be once he matures. I think this week alone, I have measured his height twice. I feel like I should be marking his height on the wall somewhere like parents often do with their human children. I guess I would have to make two different marks: one for his withers, and one for his haunches. His two ends are growing at drastically different rates with his withers at about 13.0 hh and his haunches at 13.3 hh. I know this unevenness is very typical for a horse of his age, but the paranoid mother in me can't push the image of children using my horse's downhill sloped back as a slide.

I'm really hoping that Helix will break the 15 hh mark and need to remind myself that measuring him more often will not make him grow faster or taller. The fact of the matter is that Helix is going to be as tall as he's going to be, and there's not much I can do to change that. In order to curb some of my obsessive behavior, I am pledging not to measure my horse until his first birthday in April.

I know two things for certain. Regardless of how tall Helix will be, he'll certainly be wide enough to fill up my leg. I've already started saving for the custom saddle I'm pretty positive that he'll need. I also know that even if he does turn out to be under 15 hh, I'll love him just the same, and make him into the greatest dressage pony he can possibly be.


  1. Seeing that he's a mustang I would say chances are he won't go over the 15 hand mark. I see a lot of mustangs around where I live and that seems to be the norm, but that doesn't mean he won't be suitable for you. Taller horses stay less sound. As long as your feet don't touch the ground when you're on him, I wouldn't worry about it:)

  2. Found your blog through comments on Behind a Bit.

    Trust me you're not the only one obsessed with mature height. I measure my colt every single month and record his measurements on his blog under the label Progress Report

    He was two inches taller than your boy at ten months and my best guess is that my colt with be 16hh once he's mature, so I bet yours will reach 15hh. :D Chrome turns three in May and is 15.1 now. Anyway looking forward to reading back over your blog and following along with you and your colt.
