Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why Dressage?

It is easy to see why people love horses, and it's understandable why people become enthralled with the "more exciting" disciplines such as show jumping and eventing, but I am frequently questioned as to why I am so utterly and completely obsessed with dressage. Well! Let me tell you! My answer may surprise you. The expected response would be "Well I just love feeling connected with my horse and thinking through every stride blah blah blah **cough cough** dressage riders are superior ** cough cough**" , but the truth is to be successful in any discipline, you need to be connected with your horse and think through every stride.

The major reason I love dressage can be summed up in one word: freestyle! I love the musical freestyle. Those of you that know me well know how much I love music. In my eyes, watching a horse move can often be compared to a synesthetic experience where you can see sound. Horses and music go together like strawberries and Gorgonzola (a delicious combo I promise!), and it seems that dressage is the one discipline, aside from possibly vaulting (and no one wants to see me attempt that), that allows one to compete at the very highest level while still leaving room for some artistic expression.

While far from a freestyle, here is a video of me on a horse I use to ride and train, named Hank put to music courtesy of the Flaming Lips. Enjoy!

Hanks Smokin' Gun

Monday, February 14, 2011

Girls that ride and the boys that love them

While I'm not one who typically makes a big deal out of Valentine's day, I thought this would be an appropriate time to show my appreciation to the man in my life who so patiently puts up with my horse craziness. Here is a list of things he puts up with on a regular basis. I'm sure all boys who date riders can relate.

1. 90% of girlfriend's free time is spent at the barn or participating in horse related activities.
2. Saturday morning cartoons have been replaced by the FEI world cup qualifiers for all FEI disciplines.
3. Girlfriend regularly passages down the street on foot while others are watching.

4. Girlfriend babbles on about some horse related news and you have to pretend like you actually care.

5. (sorry mom and dad) Girlfriend comes home several nights a week sweaty and exhausted from riding someone other than you.

Dave you truly are the best! Feel free to add to the list.