the equally horse crazy...
The gorgeous Boyd and Silva Martin. Picture from
So yes, my husband is a bit crazy, but I feel like his insanity is the one thing that allows him to deal with my horse obsession so effectively.
Here are some of Dave's crazier traits that have allowed him to not only survive, but thrive in a horsey marriage.
#1 An uncontrollable "BABY ANIMAL!" reflex. Because of this trait this...
....and this...
...are now permanent members of the family.
#2 A complete lack self preservation.
For those of us that began riding as kids, we never really thought about the fact that by riding we are drastically increasing our odds of a premature death. Or at least I never did. An intelligent adult, on the other hand, is aware of this fact and willingness to overlook it is a sure sign of insanity. Just this past year, Dave has taken the ultimate step in embracing the horsey lifestyle by learning how to ride. He says he would like to event (another clear sign of insanity).
#3 His manic enthusiasm all things horsey.
OK. Maybe that last one is all in my head.
Go riding!!!
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